
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Thursday 8/25/16


-warm up

-partner presentations 
-if time start current events

nObjective: SWBAT finish classmate presentations.
nWarm Up: What did you learn about your classmate that you are paired with?

Monday, August 22, 2016

Tuesday 8/23/16

-warm up
-principles of a good presentation 
-create partner presentation 
-if time, work on a current event 

nFollow the instructions and principles of design (CRAP principle)
nCreate a five slide presentation about your partner.
nMake sure you get partner approval of all slides
nEach slide should have at least one picture (keep it classy)
nWhen you finish your individual presentation create one group presentation (hint: copy and paste slides into a new presentation)
nSUBMIT individual presentation to Google Classroom
nSHARE group presentation to:
nObjective: Complete Google Presentation practice.
nWarm up:
nWhat do you know about creating a presentation? What should it look like? Do you feel comfortable using PowerPoint? Keynote? Google Presentation/Slides?
nHomework: Be prepared to present on Thursday!

Monday 8/22/16

warm up

File Organization: Google Drive
Discuss: 21st Century Skills Culminating Project

nObjective: Finish intro to Google Drive assignment.
nTurn in signature page of the syllabus.
nWarm up: Describe the procedure for checking out a chrome book as well as the login process.
nHomework: None.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Thursday 8/18/16

warm up
review Chromebook procedures
Google Drive...basic functionality 
3 Paragraphs About Me Activity
Closure...three new things you learned today. 

Objective: SWBAT access Google Drive and create Google docs.
Warm up: Set one academic goal for yourself this semester. Set one social goal for yourself this semester. (A total of two goals).
Homework: Parent/guardian signature due by Monday.


Welcome to high school!

Today we reviewed the syllabus and classroom procedures!