
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday 2/27/28-2/28/28

-European Map Test
-Study for Population Test (block two)

List of content to study for population test:

·      Arable
·      Birth rate
·      Carrying capacity
·      Death rate
·      Fertility rate
·      Demographer
·      Demographic transition
·      Ecological footprint
·      Life expectancy
·      Zero population growth
·      Uneven distribution of people
·      Why each of the demographic transitions happens
·      Crude death rate
·      Rate of natural increase
·      Total world population
·      Projected world population by UN
·      What causes populations to grow rapidly?
·      Most populous country?
·      Region with highest fertility rate and lowest life expectancy
·      Problems associated with rapid population growth
·      Rate of natural increase formula
·      Three stages of population growth.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday/Friday 2/15/18-2/16/18

History Today 11

Prompt: Writing Format
Why is it important to have a format and structure when writing?
A World in the Balance
Homework: Work on infographic/have a great break.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday 2/13/18-2/14/18

History Today

Prompt: Population Trends
What is an interesting population trend/statistic that you noticed from your country?

Activity: Agree or Disagree

Quick Write: Argumentation

To the best of your ability, write an argumentative paragraph to persuade someone of your stance on one of the topics discussed in class today.
1.Because our population has reached seven billion people and continues to grow, we need to expand land area available for living and growing food by cutting down the rainforest.
2.Without reducing rapid population growth, it will be impossible to solve the world’s global challenges.
3.With more than 7 billion people commuting from one place to another, drilling for more oil is necessary to fuel more cars.
4.In order to feed our population, we must use pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops to increase farm yields.
5.With new technologies used to gather fish, we must have international laws to ensure seafood is harvested sustainably.
6.The Earth can support over 7 billion people now and will be able to support any number of human in the future.
7. In an effort to feed a population of over 7 billion, people in developed countries should reduce the amount of meat they consume.
8. Science and technology will ensure that food production and energy supplies keep up with the demands of a growing population.
9. With human population over 7 billion, we must protect endangered species habitats by not developing on them for any reason.
10. There is nothing I can do to help alleviate population pressures.
11. Governments in countries with fast-­growing populations should make laws to limit the number of children that couples can have.
12. In a real crunch, jobs are more important than environmental quality.
13. With over 7 billion people on the planet, water pollution is inevitable and we should not waste money trying to prevent it.
14. Even though I am only one person in 7 billion, I still have a responsibility to keep the Earth healthy; what I do makes a difference.
15. Automobile makers in this country should be required by law to make all their vehicles fuel efficient, even though the vehicles may become more expensive.
16. If China and India can each take care of over a billion people on relatively the same size land as the U.S., then the U.S. should accept immigrants until it reaches a billion people as well.
17. All high schools should be prohibited from distributing contraceptives to students under age eighteen.
18. Arable land should never be used for housing, businesses, or other non­agricultural uses because we need all available farmable land to produce food.

Time Permitting

Discuss: Argumentative Writing (ToulminMethod)

Homework: None (maybe work on maps)

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday 2/12/18

Mapping Monday
Europe Maps
Current Events
Work on Infographic

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday/Wednesday 2/6/18-2/7/18

■Take out ”World Data Worksheet” and grab a chrome book
■Finish worksheet
■Make graphs
■Complete Country Information Sheet About the US
■Pick Country (table groups by region)
■Complete Country Information Sheet about your specific region
■Population Pyramids (if time) 
   website for pyramids
   video for pyramids

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday 2/5/18

Today in class we have our second Mapping Monday!  Therefore there are two tasks for you today; first you could work on your Europe Maps (in preparation for the Europe Map Test on February 26), second you could work on your Current Events.

  1. Locate and identify political and physical features of Europe
  2. Research and summarize a current event from Europe
  1. Mapping Monday Europe
  2. Current Event Mapping
  1. Submit Current Event #2
  2. Europe Map Test on February 26

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday/Friday 2/1/18-2/2/18

Today in class we will be working on creating a population graph and continuing to examine population data. 

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Create a line graph that displays the global population growth
  2. Infer reasons behind population growth in certain countries through discussion and table talk
  1. History Today #9
  2. Review: Population Reading
  3. Graph: World Population Graph
    1. Population Graph Directions
    2. Review Graph Data
  4. World Data Sheet
  1. Submit Population Graphs to Google Classroom
  2. Europe Map Test on February 26
2-1-2018 PPT

World Population Packet