
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday/Friday 10.30-10.31

Use this link to read the project description for the Etiquette Project

This project will be completed during the second half of the block period. It is due on Monday 11/3/14 at the beginning of class. You do not need to share or upload it to google classroom. We will do this on Monday. 

  • warm up
  • continue culture presentation 
  • Etiquette Project

}Objective: SWBAT define aspects of a

   particular culture by analyzing etiquette


}Warm up: What are three aspects of culture you learned? Provide two examples for each aspect.

}Homework: Etiquette project due on Monday. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday/Wendesday 10.28.14-10.29.14

Directions for Class: 
1. Look over the Countries for Etiquette Project
2. Pick a few that you are interested in researching.
3. Wait for Ms. Cohen to call your name. 
4. Once you have your country you are going to annotate the website where you found the information. Click on your country to find out more information

               Remember, annotating should be your way of looking for the big picture ideas and finding important details to support them. 
               We will be learning more about the etiquette project during the second block period.

-warm up
-culture presentation (cornell notes) Link to Part One of Culture PPT
-begin etiquette project 

}Objective: Define aspects of culture by researching etiquette of a specific country.

}Warm up: What is one example of a cultural difference between the US and another country? What about differences in regions within the US?

}Homework: Check your grades and make sure you are not missing anything. The grading period ends on Friday.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday 10.27.14

  • warm up
  • collect Columbian Trade Maps
  • Review latitude, longitude, seasons, timezones test
  • Discuss aspects of culture

}Objective: Review LL, TZ, Seasons assessment. Discuss different cultural elements of the US.
}Warm up: Based on the definition you wrote on Friday. How would you modify your definition? Rewrite your definition.
}Homework: Make plans to come into tutorial if you need to do test corrections.
}***If you got a 43 and below you need to come to tutorial to do test corrections. These need to be completed by FRIDAY.
}****The grading period ends on Friday. Be prepared for a warm up check. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Friday 10.24.14

  • Identify aspects of US culture
  • continue to work on dispersion maps
Warm up: How would you define culture?

Homework: Maps due on Monday. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


  • warm up
  • stamp paragraph rewrite
  • review as a class paragraph components
  • self assess on rubric
  • Columbian trade activity (mapping) Instructions

¡Objective: Be able to revise paragraphs for the main idea and chart the Columbian exchange.

¡Warm up: Why was the Columbian Exchange significant in the development of the modern world? (Answer in at least three sentences)

¡Homework: Finish any assigned classwork.

Monday/Tuesday 10.20.14-10.21.14

  • warm up
  • turn in Court Cartographer Project
  • Columbian Exchange
    • Columbus Excerpt
    • Annotation
    • Questions
    • Graphic Organizer
    • Summary Paragraph 

¡Objective: SWBAT analyze Columbus’ contributions in the development of the New World.
¡Warm up: What did you eat yesterday. Be specific. Where do you think these foods came from (aka where were they grown) Do you think they are native to the US?. 
¡Homework: Finish any assigned classwork.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Please make a copy for your own drive so you can read and annotate: (File*Make Copy*Click out of original copy)
The Columbian Exchange

Thank you!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday/Friday 10.16.14-10.17.14

-warm up
-history of mapping II PPT
-court cartographer project

Article about astrolabes: article

Objective: SWBAT explain the history of mapmaking and the processes involved by creating their own maps.
Warm up: What are the three “g’s” of navigation? Explain each of them.
Homework: Court Cartographer project due on Monday.

Tuesday/Wednesday 10.14-10.15

-warm up
-review questions from reading
-turn in annotations on google classroom 
-History of Map Making (Cornell Notes) Part I of PPT
-Court Cartographer Project

Objective: SWBAT explain the history of mapmaking and the processes involved by creating their own maps.
Warm up: Why are maps important?
Homework: Finish any assigned classwork.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday 10.13.14

-warm up
-turn in vegetation maps
-Latitude, longitude, time zones, seasons test
-work on annotations 

Objective: Show mastery of time zones, seasons, latitude, and longitude by completing an assessment.
Warm up: Any last minute questions?
Turn in your vegetation maps.
Homework: Article: annotations and questions due next block period.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday/Friday 10.9.14-10.10.14

-warm up
-review game for Monday's test
-online annotation and questions

This is a link to the article we are reading in class: Early Mapping
Please save a copy to your own drive. (File*Make A Copy*"X" out of Ms. Cohen's copy)
You will be reading and annotating on your own before you answer the questions.
Early Mapping Questions

Objective: Display mastery of coordinates by taking a quiz. Practice for unit test on Monday by playing a review game.
Warm up: Write down a list of how to look up cities in our Atlas using coordinates.
Homework: Study for the unit test on Monday. Maps due on Monday. Early mapping questions due on Tuesday.
The links for the vegetation maps and their key: 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday/Wednesday 10.7.14-10.8.14

-warm up
-collect time zone project
-review Latitude/Longitude Practice worksheet (homework from Monday)
-Seasons - Cornell Notes
-US Latitude Longitude Practice
-LL Scavenger Hunt

Objective: SWBAT  to identify seasons by completing a season chart. 
Warm up: What do you know about seasons? It can by anything!
Homework: Review LL notes. There might be a pop quiz during the next block period. Vegetation maps due on Monday 10.13.


The following links are practice for latitude/longitude, time zones, and seasons. You should also review your notes for Monday's assessment. We will be reviewing together in class during the second block:

Seasons Interactive Site

Lat/long practice:LL Practice

time zones:

Coordinates practice:

Monday, October 6, 2014

10.6.14 Monday


-change seats

-review latitude/longitude

-practice LL (Practice Worksheet)

  • Objective: Review time zones and latitude/longitude. 
  • Warm up: Fill in the blanks (write each sentence out completely)
    1.There are ___________ time zones in the world.
    2.They are ___________ degrees on average apart.
    3.Every ___________ degrees longitude is ________ hour. 
  • Homework: Pinwheel TZ project due during first block. Maps due NEXT MONDAY. Review lat/long/time zone notes. There will be a quiz on Monday 10.13.14.