
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday/Friday 1/29-1/30

-warm up
-work on population pyramid
-A World in the Balance

Objective: SWBAT finish their population pyramids.

Warm up: What is the purpose of a population pyramid. 
Homework:  Pyramids due on Monday. Infographic due on Monday. Maps due on Monday. Don't forget the map quiz is on Monday. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/27-1/28


-warm up
-population pyramid article
-begin to create your own population pyramid
-A world in the balance

Objective: SWBAT create their own population pyramids. 
Warm up: What stage of demographic transition are more developed countries going through? How do you know? What about less developed countries? 
Homework: Finish maps for 2/2. Finish population pyramids for 2/2 (you will have time to work on this during block two).

Population Pyramid Instruction

Watch this video: How do create a population pyramid using google spreadsheets

Watch the video and follow the instructions that he lays out to create a population pyramid about the country you made an infographic about.

This website is the one he uses in the video to get the data

When you finish (it is due on 2/2) please submit it to

If you are confused feel free to do your own research to clarify your problems. Or ask a classmate!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday 1/26/15


-warm up
-continue to work on Maps
-begin studying for map quiz
-Current events (try to find one about population trends)
-work on infographic

Objective:SWBAT locate current events about population and analyze trends.
Warm up: How are population trends expected to change globally over the next 35 years?
Homework: Finish maps by next Monday, they will be collected. Also, work on infographic (due 2/2).

Friday, January 23, 2015


-warm up
-Analyzing data

Objective: SWBAT analyze demographic trends by compiling data.
Warm up: What does it mean if a country has a high rate of natural increase? What data does this include? What data is left out of rate of natural increase?
Homework: Maps due 2/2. Infographic due 2/2. Map quiz on 2/2.

Infographic Instructions

Instructions for Infographic

Please have a hard copy printed out for class on Monday 2/2/15. You can do it using Google Presentation or you can be more creative and explore a different site.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/20/15-1/21/15

-warm up
-World Data Sheet at a Glance

Objective: SWBAT identify population trends across the globe.
Warm up: With your table partners. Please define: (explain why each is significant)
Rate of natural increase
Population density
Homework: Map quiz on 2/2/15. Infographics due on 2/2/15 (printed out).

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/13/15-1/14/15

-warm up
-population/environment issues/closure
-where are all the people? 
-begin data collection for USA
-select another country to do on your own.

lObjective: SWBAT identify the world’s most populous countries.

lWarm up: Did you have a favorite statement/discussion topic from last Thursday? (When we discussed population and the environment) What was it? Why did you like it?

lHomework: Paragraphs on population and the environment due for the second block (DO NOT SHARE OR SUBMIT)

Agree or Disagree
I agree because…
That’s true. I also think that…
That makes sense because…
That is how I see it too, because…
I agree with the point that…

I disagree because…
I don’t think that’s right since…
That’s not how I see it. I think…
Actually, isn’t it true that… 
Another way to look at it is… 

Cite Evidence
One connection that I made is…
After hearing the author’s argument, I was reminded of…
The first idea that came to mind was…
I recently heard of a news story about… 
In history/social studies/English,

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday 1/12/15

-warm up
-create map for current events
-begin mapping Monday with the US

In class: take this map and make a copy for your google drive. In your drive you will make two folders. One for current events, the other for population. You will save all of your current events in your current event folder.

Then you will create a copy of the map in your current events folder. Every time you do a current event you will put a dot on the country that your current event is about. At the end of the semester you will have 15 dots and print out your map to turn in with your current events. 

lObjective: SWBAT locate and identify significant cities, states, physical features, and bodies of water on maps of the US and North America.
lWarm up: List as many states and cities as you can in three minutes.
lHomework:US maps due in two weeks.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thusday/Friday 1/8/15-1/9/15

-warm up
-review vocabulary
-Population and the environment discussion
-reading (read the article and answer the question in a new google document. Title document P"Period" Your Name Should there be a global effort to limit population growth") 
-save a copy of the article to your drive

Objective: SWBAT articulate their thoughts on statements that deal with ethical issues about population and then environment.
Warm up: What are the three stages of population growth with regard to demographic shifts? What happens in each stage. Feel free to draw a picture.
Homework: Finish any assigned classwork.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/6/15-1/7/15

-warm up
-Chromebook procedure review
-population article "The People Connection" (remember view -> make a copy -> rename it in your own drive) 
-create graph
-discuss what is necessary to control a population 

Objective: Welcome back! SWBAT understand the preliminary impact of population growth on humans through article analysis.
Warm up: What do you think population growth it? Why might some people be very concerned with its impact?
Homework: Start thinking about current events!