
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wednesday/Thursday 1/28/16-1/29/16

-warm up
-review vocabulary 
-Water Drop Population Video
-Where do all the people live on Earth? 
-Population Packet Introduction 
   -World Population Data
   -Information Sheet

Objective: SWBAT articulate their thoughts on statements that deal with ethical issues about population and then environment.

Warm up: What are the three stages of population growth with regard to demographic shifts? What happens in each stage. Feel free to draw a picture.

Homework: Finish any assigned classwork.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/26/16-1/27/16

-warm up
-my maps (how to current event map) 
-7 Billion and Counting Video
-Reading Annotations (due before block two) 
-Start building data table

Objective: SWBAT understand the preliminary impact of population growth on humans through article analysis.

Warm up: What do you think population growth is? Why might some people be very concerned with its impact?

Homework: Europe maps due 2/29.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday 1/25/16

Mapping Monday!!

-turn in USA Maps
-map test
-start mapping Europe

There is no warm up.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Thursday/Friday 1/21/16-1/22/16

-warm up
-finish part two of watershed activity (submit to classroom) 
-quiz about California
-Kahoot review for USA mapping test on Monday 
-Practice mapping 

Objective: SWBAT review local watershed.
Warm up: What does this graph show?
Homework: Map quiz on 1/25/16!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mapping Practice

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/19/16-1/20/16

-warm up
-The Bay Starts Here: Understanding Your Watershed
  -start part one 
-finish California's Gold

Objective: SWBAT identify their watershed.
Warm up: Where do we get the bulk of our water?
Homework: Map/quiz on 1/25. California’s Gold due before block two.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thursday/Friday 1/14/16-1/15/16

warm up
Google Maps Instruction
Google Map Practice 
California's Gold
A look into California’s regions

Objective: SWBAT identify places in CA using Google Maps.
Warm up: Where are some of the most interesting, fun, exciting, places you have been to in California? Explain.
Homework: Maps due 1/25.Finish half of Google Maps Project by block one. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/12/16-1/13/16

Warm Up
Start: California Regions Activity
California Regions Map

  • Objective: SWBAT describe the different regions of California and identify/label the various regions on a map and indicate their varying attributes
  • Warm up: What do you think about when you think of California? (places, people, activities, environment, etc.)
  • Homework: Submit annotations to Google Classroom. Be prepared to turn in a hard copy of the California map for block two.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday 1/11/16

-warm up
-mapping Monday. 
Mapping Instructions
Physical Map of US
Political Map of US

Objective: SWBAT map the US’s political and physical features.
Warm up: How many states can you name in the next 90 seconds?
Homework: Map quiz/maps due 1/25/16.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday/Friday 1/8/15-1/9/16

-warm up
-21st Century Skills
-Digital Citizenship Presentation
-Digital Citizenship Quiz (we will do this together as a class) 

Objective: SWBAT understand internet safety.
Warm up: What are you taught about being safe on the internet? What are the do’s and do not’s. Please be serious.
Homework: Submit Google Classroom Assignments

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday/Wednesday 1/5/16-1/6/16

-change seats
-warm up
-Discuss mapping and current events
-Winter cleaning: google drive file organization 
-discuss 21st century skills project 
-Global Citizenship 
Objective: SWBAT discuss 21st Century Skills Culminating Project  by selecting previous assignments that match with Global Citizenship and Creativity.

Warm up: What were your goals at the beginning of the year? How is your progress? Do you want to add or change anything? Make a new goal for this semester.

Homework: Continue thinking about 5 Cs Project