
Monday, September 15, 2014

Biomes Unit Break Down

The Unit we are starting will cover a few related topics and will involve a Biomes project. We will cover Latitude and Longitude, Seasons, and Biomes.

Here are the Instructional Objectives:
SWBAT (Know and Do):

Latitude/Longitude section:
* The student, when requested, will identify at least 10 places on a blank world map using the given latitude and longitude points to the nearest minute degree with.
* The student, when requested, will identify the latitude and longitude points, as well as hemisphere designation of at least 10 places on a blank world map to the nearest minute degree.
* The student will be able to show evidence of the ability to identify the major lines of latitude (by name and degree) on a blank world map.
* The student will be able to identify the correct time of any city on the earth if given the correct starting time of any other city.

Seasons Section:
* Students will be able to list the dates and lines of latitude the direct rays of the sun is hitting at the beginning of each season for both Northern and Souther Hemisphere's
* Students will be able to explain the "Longest day of the year" and the
Shortest Day of the year"

Biomes Section:* Identify the nine different biomes by name and characteristics
* Show evidence of knowledge of the various plants that grow within each biome
* Identify the climate of each biome including the rainfall averages and temperature fluctuations throughout the year
* Show evidence of the ability to read a climograph
* List various countries along low attitude, mid latitude, high latitude, and mountainous biomes.
* Describe characteristics (Climate, vegetation, human use, products,etc) that are developed or cultivated from each biome.
* Understand the relationship between the environmental factors and the plants and animals within a biome.

The Unit will begin with answering questions out of the text book in Chapter 3 ( Climate )


Resources for this unit are listed below

Calif Hist and Geog site ( resource site )

Biomes site -(types of biomes)

World Climates (World Climates )

How to build a climograph - ( build climograph )

Biomes resource site - (PBS interactive)

Great resource that can be used for the Biomes Project - (What makes a good Poster )

How to conduct research - ( How to do research )

How to cite a source -(citing research)
another link for citing - ( Cited sources - how )
evaluation and citing - ( Eval and Citing )

How to create a decision Matrix - ( How to make a group decision )

Presentation Rubric - (Multimedia Rubric)
Project idea site - (Project Ideas )

On-line book resource - (source)